Thursday, March 22, 2012

Day 30 - March 22, 2012

Tonight had to be another one of those "God-orchestrated" nights at the clinic.  First, Christine, Norma, Regina, Jenny, Linda, Susan, and I, joined Nick and Frank as they were closing out their 5:00 p.m. prayer hour.  (How wonderful to share in an open/close shift prayer!)  Then the seven of us girls (love it when we have that perfect number of God) proceeded to lift up our prayer intentions for a respect for life and for people to come and take the stand in love and prayer, along with lifting up the abortionists and their staffs, and all those who don't see a problem with abortion.  We stayed on the grassy part in front of the clinic with Susan, our sweet sister in Christ, who is undergoing some intense health issues and was a bit too exhausted to do the usual walking (let us keep Susan in our prayers for God's healing touch and strength -- how amazing she is -- especially putting those sweet unborn babies before her circumstance -- we love you Susan!!!)

We had a lot of thumbs up and good fist shakin's and smiles!  We smiled at the car with the peeking little child in the backseat --she had the window shade pulled up in the back seat of the car where she was sitting and was smiling and waving to us soooo sweetly... such a darling little girl.  Then, three little ones in the back seat of another car sat up and were stretching to see us better and were smiling and waving as their mom waited to turn when traffic cleared... such a blessing for us pro-life gals to see these innocent little ones so happy.

Then Kyle stopped by.  Kyle is 17 and his opening words to us were "excuse me, I just want to let you know that I really am on your side, but will be going into the clinic to get some free condoms."  Yes, we were just a little taken aback for a second...not expecting that at all.  We informed him that 1) the clinic is closed, 2) that clinic wouldn't be passing out condoms because they kill babies and that would hurt their business, and 3) he should not be needing those items -- abstinence is the best way to go!!  We had a discussion on chastity and how it doesn't matter what he had done...what counts is what he does next and that God will bless efforts of living a chaste life.  We shared our faith, focusing on Christ and His Cross.  He seemed to be a smart kid -- knowing more about the bible at 17 than I did (but spiritual immaturity, along with the physical, was apparent--and we all have been there!).  I think he wanted to cause us embarrassment by wanting to share details of his views on why he needed "those items."  We cut him off and told him we were thankful that he stopped by and that we will pray for him.  At that point, he said, "excuse me, again, but I think when Christians say 'I'll pray for you,' that is like giving someone the Christian version of a middle finger."  Wow...we never heard that before and we proceeded to explain that we would truly pray for God's blessing on him and ask that he would be filled with the Holy Spirit to make wise choices that please our Lord.  He seemed a bit befuddled at our loving truth...expecting us to judge him.  Again, we told him we never judge those who come by, nor the women/men who enter those clinic doors.  We know they are hurting...and are confused.  And, some of our prayer warriors have been in their shoes, but now have found healing for their hurt.  Kyle went back to his car and we continued with our praying.  We said about five prayers and then Ryan stopped by.

Ryan was about 19 or 20 and his main concern was for those women who have experienced the horrible violation of rape.  He is one of those who are against abortion, except....   We gave him the truth -- that about .04% of abortions are because of rape; that most rape victims who find themselves pregnant, find healing in carrying and delivering the baby--it brings a good from a total evil action; and, so many people are long to adopt babies and, again, this brings a good out of an evil.  Ryan listened to our sharing of how child abuse has risen over 1100% since Roe vs. Wade became law of the land and because of that, many have totally lost the respect for life from conception to natural death. Ryan was all ears...and for each of his "what ifs" we had a truthful answer rooted in Christ.

It really was a blessing from God for all of us to be used as servants and plant many seeds of God's truth and light into the souls of these two young men who love Jesus but were confused on some issues.  Kyle had to leave but Ryan stayed with us as we closed out our hour--praying for them, our prayer warriors, the unborn babies and their moms who are scheduled for an appointment at all abortion clinics tomorrow, and for the change in heart for the doctors. 

This is one of the beautiful blessings we receive by being out there, even when the abortion mill is closed.  We get to talk to some very nice people like Kyle & Ryan. May God help them to continue to draw more close to Him and stay pro-life! Amen!   (Maribeth and Jenny)

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