Saturday, March 3, 2012

Day 11 - March 3, 2012

Jenny and I arrived just as Nick was finishing his hour.  He told of us a gentleman who drove up, got out of his car, shook Nick's hand and gave him a hearty pat on the back while thanking Nick for being out there to pray for the unborn.  How wonderful to receive encouragement...may that man be blessed for his willingness to stop and show his support for LIFE!!

Tonight was very chilly -- a big change from last night!  Christina joined us as we prayed the Rosary and Chaplet for all the unborn and for a change in all the hearts of doctors and those who do not see life as a gift.  We had many happy honks and thumbs up...thank you God for the encouragement.  Only one young teen yelled out his window "abortion will always be legal" -- so sad that many people truly believe that statement.  Those are the hearts we hope to reach by our presence and by all the blessings and grace our Father in heaven bestows upon us prayer warriors.  Thank You Jesus!  We finished our prayer our with the opening song from our Kick Off gathering at Blessed Sacrament Cathedral -- The Master Came to Bring Good News -- I love the refrain:  Father, forgive us! Through Jesus hear us! As we forgive one another!   That is why we are out here on that sidewalk -- seeking God's forgiveness for the killing of His children; asking Jesus to plead on our behalf to the Father; and, being the example of Jesus and forgiving all those that come against us. (Maribeth)

Nick, Maribeth and Jenny

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