Thursday, March 29, 2012

Day 37 - March 29, 2012

Did you know that 576 babies have been saved this campaign?  Thank You Jesus!!

Jenny, Regina, Christine, Nancy, and myself gathered with Nick, Frank, and Carolyn to close out the 5:00 p.m. prayer hour with the prayer for the helpless unborn.  As always, whenever we say that prayer, one can only think of those little babies who have been placed inside the supposedly safe walls of the womb -- who know their mom's heartbeat and breathing pattern, who know the intimate touch of God, and, who are completely at the mercy of everyone.  We have failed them.  We have let women believe the lie that pregnancy is "a problem."  Shame on us.  Pregnancy is a gift. With 70% of America claiming to be Christian, we know our Almighty God is in control of everything; we KNOW in our heart of hearts, that He has each pregnancy under control--no matter how it happened. So, again, we have failed those little helpless ones to whom God has given the gift of life.  I pray that we band together and make a those precious little ones are protected and the moms are not afraid to welcome this gift of life.  (sorry for the bunny trail....)

We prayed the Rosary and the Chaplet while walking up and down the sidewalk-- focusing our intentions on changing the hearts of abortionists.  We received many encouraging honks and waves -- for those we are most appreciative.  It was another cold evening, but when we are focused on our praying, the time goes by so quickly.  To close out our hour we sang How Great Thou Art (and God certainly is!!!).  We were joined by a little bird high atop the wire above us, just chirp-chirping away!  That made all of our hearts smile!  We ended with prayer and lifted up our fellow prayer warriors who are going through the valley.  Thank you God for the privilege of being able to take the stand for life with so many wonderful people in our 40 Days for Life family!  (Maribeth)


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