Sunday, October 28, 2012

October 27, 2012 - Day 32

Holding my Pray To End Abortion sign against the wind, I faced WomanCare abortion mill, blest myself with holy water & sprinkled a bit on the ground & started my opening prayers then yeah!!! Louise arrived.  We both prayed silently for a bit so she could say her own private opening prayers.  Then I read the last two prayers & we began walking back & forth along the lawn area. Cars were stopped for the light & right away a negative, a young man yelled "it's a woman's choice." I was glad he was stopped at the light so I walked up & said, "of course it's a woman's choice but we are praying that she will chose life for her baby."  He shook his head at me so I said, "we are praying that they chose life for their unborn babies instead of having them savagely killed at these places."  He didn't say anything back to me & the light turned green & he drove off.  Sometimes, I just have to tell them like it is... babies are being torn apart in the mom's wombs & it is just so evil.  Folks would never stand that happening to little puppies, I assure you, so we must!!! speak up for the little boys & girls in the womb.  Immediately after that guy drove away, a car slowed down by us happy honking!!! Thank you Jesus!!! :o)

Man, the wind was really strong at times & even though it was 49 which isn't terribly cold, it felt much colder because of the wind. Dressed in layers, we were both okay for the entire prayer hour. We took turns leading the Holy Rosary reading a brief Joyful Mystery meditation before each Hail Mary. Then we stood under the light & I read from the 40 Days for Life Devotional Booklet: Intention, Scripture, Reflection & Prayer.

We started walking again singing the Chaplet of Divine Mercy & Louise said "oh no, I lost my rosary." So we started praying to St. Anthony & walked slowly along the grass area & half way to the traffice light, there it was, on the sidewalk...yeah!!! It is a special rosary of hers, so thank you St. Anthony for helping us find it so quickly.  We closed out the prayer hour with the Pledge of Allegiance & America the Beautiful then Louise said a closing prayer from her heart which was quite beautiful. My hands were just starting to get cold, so it was nice to get into the car & warm up.  (Jenny)

October 26, 2012 - Day 31

When I arrived at WomanCare abortion mill, Nick was finishing his 5pm Prayer Vigil. We shared holy water & talked for a bit. Then I facedWomanCare with my Pray To End Abortion sign hanging on my arm toward traffic, sprinkled a bit of holy water on the ground & said all my opening prayers.

Maribeth arrived...yeah!!! She led the Holy Rosary reading a brief Sorrowful Mystery before each Hail Mary followed by The Chaplet of Divine Mercy with St. Faustina's meditations on The Passion: The Agony of Jesus, The Scourging, The Crowning with Thorns, Carrying the Cross, The Crucifixion. We talked about how horrible the suffering of Jesus was for our sins & how thankful we are for His Divine Mercy.

We said the Pledge of Allegiance facing the beautiful American flag & it was already past 7:00.  Heard happy honks now & then & saw a car passing by with it's window open a tiny bit & all we could see was a hand waving like mad to funny.  Yes, It is getting a bit colder now in more nights in the 70's.  (Jenny)

October 25, 2012 - Day 30

 I arrived & faced WomanCare abortion mill, blest myself with holy water & sprinkled the ground with a bit. Man, was it windy!!! but still nice & warm!!! our last day in the 70's I believe. I wrapped the string on my Pray To End  Abortion sign around my arm a couple times so it would not flip up & "klonk" me in the face!!! Yes, this has happened quite a bit on windy nights lol!!! oh well.

 I began the 6pm prayer vigil by saying all the opening prayers. A young man drove by & yelled "yes abortion, yes abortion, yes abortion"  I yelled back YES LIFE, YES LIFE, YES LIFE!!! & held up my Pray To End Abortion sign toward his car, just could not help myself. His car had dark windows so the coward could not be seen.  These "drive by screamers" are most definitely, totally cowards & just plan hard hearted people who won't even stop to discuss the issue of what makes it right to dismember a tiny little baby in the womb of his or her mother. If they would just talk with us for a few moments maybe we could change their view but since they just scream & drive away all we can do it pray for them. So sad!!! I just stopped right there & said the prayer that Aunt Stella had given me "many moons" ago: Gracious God, loving our enemies seems like one of the most difficult things You could ask of us. Please remind us that this is how You love and if You ask it of us, You will give us the grace to do it. This we ask through Christ our Lord. Amen. I  also said an Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be & Memore for that young man.

Then yeah!!! Maribeth arrived. She started leading the Holy Rosary then yeah!!! our precious Susan arrived.  Maribeth faced traffic one way & I faced traffic the other way & Susan led the Holy Rosary reading a brief Luminous Mystery before each Hail Mary then yeah!!! Carmen arrived.  She had a VOTE PRO LIFE sign so we four girls prayed together for our tiny, little brothers & sisters in the womb who are in danger of being killed here at WomanCare very soon.  We must keep both Susan & Carmen in our prayers as they are going through some rough times right now. Lord, wrap your healing arms around both of these Prayer Warrior sisters of ours. Amen.

Lots of folks in the slow traffic were straining to see our signs as dusk was setting in so I would hold it up & a little closer for them to see Pray To End Abortion & got lots!!! of thumbs up.  We girls then placed our right hands on our hearts, faced the big, beautiful American flag & said the Pledge of Allegiance & sang America the Beautiful. Maribeth closed with a special prayer for the conversion of abortion doctors & their staffs. My thanks go out to all those who pray on-site as well as our HPW's.  We ARE making a difference out there. Thank you, Jesus!!!   (Jenny)

October 24, 2012 - Day 29

Such a beautiful Michigan evening...76!!! After blessing myself with holy water & sprinkling a bit on the ground, I faced WomanCare abortion mill with my Pray To End Abortion sign hanging from my arm facing traffic & started my opening prayers. Immediately, three young boys walked by with hellos & smiles. Maribeth led the Holy Rosary reading a brief Glorious Mystery before each Hail Mary. A young woman stopped by to calmly ask various questions ~ why do we judge these women? ~ do we have any idea what they are going through? ~ what if they have been raped?  Maribeth answered all her questions in a loving, calm, truthful way & I mentioned we are out here to be the voice for the unborn who have no rights at all. She drove away hopefully thinking differently about killing babies in the womb. Eleanor & Ed prayed from their van which was so nice of them. Maribeth then read today's Intention, Scripture, Reflection & Prayer from our 40 Days for Life Devotional Booklet & we finished our prayer time facing that big, beautiful flag & with right hands on our hearts said the Pledge of Allegiance. Thumbs up & smiles from a lot of young ones passing by in the back seats of cars this evening.  (Jenny)

October 23, 2012 - Day 28

So sad that there are those who believe abortion is a good thing...pray for those lost souls!

It was St. Martin de Porres Prayer Vigil day and some people were still there for the 6pm Prayer Vigil, Regina her husband Gerry (came later), Don & Jean.  Richard & Marcia from the 3pm Prayer Vigil stayed a little longer as two boys were there protesting the other side of the abortion issue, they were for abortion with signs with a picture of a coat hanger on the signs...I love abortion or something like that.   This was not very pleasant.  These boys stayed form 3:30 to 5:30.  Richard & Marcia did not want to leave Regina there alone.   The pro-life folks had told them that they would pray for them & the boys said they would pray to Satan for them!.  The boys were gone when we arrived for the 6pm Prayer Vigil.  This info was given to me by Richard.  Regina, along with Secular Fransciscans Carol, Marge & Toni & I said pro-life prayers, said the Pledge of Allegiance, sang God bless America , said the rosary and the chaplet & some pro-life prayers from Regina's booklet.   We ended with the prayer for our country.  (Norma)

October 22, 2012 - Day 27

Sandi & Rich R along with Louise were already there when I arrived for the 6pm Prayer Vigil. We said hello, shared holy water & I sprinkled a bit on the ground.  Sandi & Rich had their two, beautiful, big, very well behaved!!! dogs walking with them at their 5pm Prayer Vigil. Such sweet animals!!!  

Louise had been there since 5:30. She prayed at one end of the grass area & I walked back & forth to the traffic light, both of us holding pro-life signs.  One pre-teen boy on his bike said "No more abortion" as he passed me. I thanked him & said God bless you & he rode on toward where Louise was praying. The other boy was waiting at the light & he asked about our praying out there & I told him about 40 Days for Life. He said, "well then I guess you want Mitt Romney to be elected."  I said, yes, that's what I'm praying for & thanked him for being so informed about the election & said God bless you.  I then walked back to where Louise was praying & she was crying & was just so upset at the evil going on in WomanCare to the unborn babies.  I gave her a big hug & then told her about the two boys I had just talked to & that made her feel much better.  We walked together for the next ten minutes until her prayer hour was over.  She told me about how a van had gone by very slowly the other night, very close to where she was praying & it scared her. I told her about how some not-so-nice things happen out there so to pray in the center of the grass area & do not!!! go up to a car or van if you are alone & if you feel uneasy, go pray in your car. It is better to be safe out there.     After she left, it was getting a little dark, so I stood under the light & finished singing the Holy Rosary reading a brief Joyful Mystery before each Hail Mary & sang the Chaplet of Divine Mercy & my hour of peaceful prayer for the precious, little unborn babies was done. Lots of happy honks this evening.  (Jenny)

October 21, 2012 - Day 26

Carmen was already there when I arrived for the 6pm Prayer Vigil. She had been there since 5:30, so I walked back & forth with her along the grass area after sprinkling a bit of holy water on the ground & sharing. She led the fourth & fifth decade of the rosary & then began the 1/2 Group Prayer Vigil reading the Intention, Scripture, Reflection & Prayer from the first 40 Days for Life booklet then read from the second booket various pro-life prayers, offered up various intentions & I answered Loving God, hear our prayer. Redeemer in the Womb brought tears to our eyes.  We ended the 1/2 Group Prayer Vigil facing the beautiful American flag & saying the Pledge of Allegiance with our right hands over our hearts & lastly sang America the Beautiful.  We said hello to Eleanor, Ed & two other Prayer Warriors who had prayed from their van.   After they all left, I faced WomanCare abortion mill with my Pray to End Abortion sign facing traffic & read all the opening pro-life prayers, then sang the Chaplet of Divine Mercy facing traffic.  Happy honks were heard at various times.  A car slowed down & a cute little wee one looked out at me from the back seat with a darling tigers face, on the way to a Halloween party no doubt.  A jogger slowed down & said "God bless you for being out here."  I thanked her & gave here our flyer & Baby Jesus prayer card. She said she knows Maribeth. I asked her to stop by & lead us in prayer one evening during 40 Days for Life which goes through Sunday, November 4th or when Maribeth & I are out there every Thursday nights at 6pm after 40 Days for Life is done.  (Jenny)

October 20, 2012 - Day 25


 So great to see so many folks at the Oct 20, NOON, for the Rally at Sts. Cyrl & Methodius Catholic Church. Every age group from elders relaxing in their lawn chairs to the wee ones running around like crazy.  Good to be with many of my Prayer Warrior brothers & sistes, Karen, Marcia & Richard, Joe, Matthew & half doz more whose names escape me right now... "senior moment". The speakers were excellent & hearing & seeing the young men & women so in love with LIFE!!! was a blessing.  As I get updates & pics, I'll send them along & I would think the websites  below will have more info & pics as well. My guess is that there were about 150 - 200 people there at Sts Cyril & Methodius Rally. We said a decade of the Holy Rosary & the huge LIFE ROSARY was there & flew up & just hung on the wires floating over the street & it sure was beautiful.  God blessings to all who attended these rallies today!!!  (Jenny)


Lone prayer warrior out at the clini this evening. I blest myself with holy water, sprinkled a bit on the ground around me & read all my opening prayers, then sang the Holy Rosary reading a brief Joyful Mystery before each Hail Mary which was offered up for all involved in abortion in any way. For those moms & dads who had their babies killed this morning there at WomanCare abortion mill I offered up Chaplet of Divine Mercy, tears in my eyes every now & then when I thought about the little baby arms, legs, heads in the red "medical waste" bucket up in that office. How horrible this is!!!.  May Our Lord's Divine Mercy bring these parents to Him asking for His forgivness of this evil they have had done to their own children. It just breaks my heart that this is happening in our world & so many are totally apathetic about it. Lord, have mercy on us!!! To close out my prayer time, I then faced the flag & said the Pledge of Allegiance & sang a few America songs & my prayer hour was over. Only positives this evening, lots of folks driving by slowly to read my sign & giving me big smiles. A bit chilly tonight but I was layered & had no problem at all.  (Jenny)

Friday, October 19, 2012

October 19, 2012 - Day 24

Knights of Columbus, Larry, Ed and Daryl joined Ellen and me at 10:00 a.m..  (Ellen had invited them -- who can you invite?)  We prayed the Prayer for the Unborn, Prayer for our Country and the Rosary and prayer to St. Michael.  Then we had a Pep Talk about The Chapel Without Walls, always being open, and appreciation for one K of C who prays with me every morning 7-8. Hope this works on their hearts. We talked about strong families and our Sunday Family Vigil.  Then we read from the Family Prayerbook, all of the Reflections, Noah, etc. and the prayer intentions. (Sue)


Hello to all, I blest myself with holy water & sprinkled a bit on the ground around me & stood under my umbrella & sang most of my prayer hour. I said the Prayer for the Helpless Unborn to open the prayer vigil, then sang the Holy Rosary meditating on the Sorrowful Mysteries, then sang the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, then said the Pledge of Allegiance as I faced that big, beautiful American flag, then sang America the Beautiful & my hour of prayer for all involved in abortion in any way was completed. Heard happy honks now & then but with the cloudy, rainy weather, could not see if any negatives were "flipped" my way.  (Jenny)

October 18, 2012 - Day 23

Good evening to all, Nick was ending his 5pm Prayer Vigil when I arrived. We shared holy water & a drive-by screamer yelled "It's a woman's choice." I looked at Nick & said, "the cowards who drive by & scream will never get it. Of course we agree it's a woman's choice, we pray that the choice will be life." God gives everyone free will to make choices for good & evil. Our sincere prayer is that women & men will start to chose life for their precious, little unborn babies not letting them be dismembered & slaughtered in the womb in facilities like Woman Care." geeeezzzz, these hard-hearted folks make me feel so sad for their souls. We must stop killing our children in the womb. I said good bye to Nick then walked over to the abortion mill grass prayer area & joined Richard for the 6pm Prayer Vigil. He led us in the Holy Rosary with a Luminous Mystery meditation from the Priests for Life booklet before each decade & he read a meditation before each Hail Mary from my Praying the Rosary without Distractions. He then led various pro-life prayers & intentions from his booklet. A young couple stopped their car & she was trying to read my sign, so I held it up a bit for her & she gave me a great big smile & thumbs up. A huge truck drove by & the horn tooted at us & he was giving us a thumbs up. A car load of young guys drove by & the passenger was holding a piece of pizza out the window... never got that sign before & have no idea what that meant...ha, ha, ha. We ended our prayer vigil after we got our umbrella's as it started raining saying the Pledge of Allegiance & singing America the Beautiful. (Jenny)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

October 17, 2012 - Day 22

Nick was ending his 5pm prayer hour when I arrived. We shared holy water & talked a bit about pro-life issues. I then walked back & forth on the grass & said all the opening prayers.  Maribeth & Joe arrived & Joe led us in the Holy Rosary with a brief Glorious Mystery meditation before each Hail Mary. He then led the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. We faced the flag & said the Pledge of Allegiance to end our prayer hour for all involved in abortion in any way.  It was a bit windy but in the 70s, just a beautiful evening.  There were many encouraging waves, thumbs up, and honks -- thank You Jesus for continuing to give us the needed strength through the sending of these positive messages of hope!!   (Jenny & Maribeth)

October 16, 2012 - Day 21

Just got home from the Woman's Care Clinic.  There were five of us tonight: Gino, Toni, Rosemarie, Barbara and myself.  There could have been two or three more but they couldn't make it.  May God bless those who came tonight and prayed.  We said the pledge of allegiance, the Prayer to St. Michael for protection, then an Act of Contrition, for we are sinners and ask God to forgive our sins. Said prayers for the unborn, then we recited the Rosary (the Sorrowful mysteries), and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. We closed with the Prayer for Our Country. It went well.  (Norma)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

October 15, 2012 - Day 20

Nick V, Rich & Sandi R were finishing their 5pm Prayer Vigil. Someone had just driven by & flipped them off. Even the negatives are a blessing because it gives us a chance to pray particularly for that person's conversion to God's light & truth.  We said our good byes & I started my prayer hour.

I blest myself with holy water, sprinkled a bit on the ground & began slowly walking back & forth along the grass prayer area. Definitely!!! not in the 70's this evening & quite windy with a light rain every now & I didn't dress layered enough so I shivered every now & then but with my scarf wrapped around my ears & throat, I was okay for the hour.  I held onto my Pray to End Abortion Sign & read all my opening prayers.

As I was starting the Holy Rosary, Louise, then Cindy arrived...yeah!!! We took turns leading with a brief Joyful Mystery meditation before each decade & special intentions to pray for during that decade.  We then said the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, looked at the flag & said the Plege of Allegiance & sang America the Beautiful.  We ended praying the Prayer for the Conversion of Abortionists and their Staffs. Happy honks were heard throughout the prayer hour & I didn't notice any negatives. We were all chilled after our hour & glad to get into our cars to warm up but happy to be able to be a public witness that unborn babies are being killed in that evil place.  (Jenny)

October 14, 2012 - Day 19

I arrived at WomanCare abortion mill for the 6pm prayer vigil. It was very windy at times but almost 70 so I had no complaints. I blest myself with holy water & sprinkled a bit on the ground & opened with the Prayer for the Helpless Unborn holding my umbrella with my Pray to End Abortion sign hanging from my right arm. A young couple stopped their car, read my sign & both gave me a great big smile. What an excellent way to start my prayer vigil.

Maribeth arrived and we started walking up & down the grass prayer area fighting the wind as she led the Holy Rosary with a Glorious Mystery meditation before each decade 1) The Resurrection of the Lord 2) The Ascension of the Lord into Heaven 3) The Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles & the Blessed Virgin Mary 4) The Assumption of our Lady into Heaven 5) The Coronation of our Lady Queen of Heaven & Earth.  A man stopped by, rolled his window down & thanked us & said "God bless you" we returned that blessing to him.

 I'll tell ya, the rain poured down REALLY!!! hard as we walked back & forth singing the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, especially for the conversion of the abortionists.  The pizza guy stopped his van & said "you are really dedicated... you'd have to pay me to be out here."  Maribeth said, we are paid, blessings from Jesus.  Smiles & laughter all around as we were being poured on by lots!!! or rain & pushed around by the wind, but he could see we were very!!! happy to be out there in prayer for the little ones in the womb.  The folks in the stores here are just so sweet to us, smiles & waves when they drive by.  After a short while, the wind & rain stopped totally.  Another man stopped by to talk for a bit. He said he wanted to give a donation for us being out there all the time. We thanked him.  I showed him my packet of literature & he said he would like the Baby Jesus Prayer Card.  He said he is voting for Romney & also he said that he will prays for all of us who are out here every day.  What a darling man!!!

We then finished singing the Chaplet & faced that big, beautiful American flag, placed our right hands on our hearts & said the Pledge of Allegiance & sang America the Beautiful. We closed our vigil with the Prayer for the Conversion of Abortionists and their Staffs & Maribeth said a special prayer of thanks to God for sooooo many positives this evening, happy honks, waves, smiles, thumbs up. She & I were both dragging as we started our prayer vigil this evening but by the end of that hour we were both just totally thankful to God for an absolutely beautiful prayer hour together.  I had tears in my eyes because I was soooo tired & God just showered down His blessings upon Maribeth & I... tooo awesome!!! THANK YOU, PRECIOUS LORD for tonight's excellent prayer vigil for our precious little unborn brothers & sisters!!! We both needed that so very much!!!  (Jenny)

October 13, 2012 - Day 18

12:00 noon

Ten of us gathered on the lawn prayer area, under our umbrellas, at WomanCare abortion mill for the Public Square Rosary: Maribeth C, Sue K, Regina F, Gail L, Nick V, Gino V, Elizabeth S, Mary & David V & myself/Jenny P.

Sue led our first Rosary with a Sorrowful Mystery meditation before each decade. Mary led our second Rosary with a Glorious Mystery meditation before each decade. Nick led our third Rosary with a Luminous Mystery meditation before each decade. We sang Immaculate Mary after each rosary, prayed the St. Michael the Archangel Prayer for all Prayer Warriors, especially those attending Public Rosary Rallies all over the world today. Nick then led us in the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary & Gino said the Prayer of our Total Consecration to Immaculate Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth & led us in the Divine Praises. To close our prayer time, Maribeth said the Prayer for the Conversion of Abortionists and their Staffs.

The banner we held had a beautiful picture of Our Lady of Fatima on it and said:


As always out there, mostly positives, happy honks, smiles, waves, thumbs up. Two negatives - a woman yelled "mind your own business."  Regina & I looked at each other & she said "this IS our business." The other negative - a young woman flipped us off.  I was so very sad for that young women because the beautiful picture of Our Lady of Fatima on our banner was facing her car. We all joined in on praying the Memore for the negatives who go by us when we pray out there, that they will be converted to God's light & truth.  TO ALL WHO ATTENDED, THANK YOU & GOD BLESS YOU!!!   (Jenny)

6:00 p.m. 

As I was the lone prayer warrior at 6pm this evening, I sang everything! First, I blest myself with holy water then said the Prayer for the Helpless Unborn to open my prayer vigil, then sang the Holy Rosary, meditating on the Joyful Mysteries. The Annunciation, The Visitation, The Nativity, the Presentation & The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple. It was still raining since the Rosary Rally this afternoon!!! wow!!! Right away, a car stopped, the window rolled down & the lady read my sign then said, "Good for you, thank you, God bless you."  I thanked her for stopping & said God bless you too. I then sang the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, said the pledge of allegiance facing the big flag & sang a few America songs. All positives tonight!!! I'm dragging tonight, I must say, but it is all worth know that we prayer warriors are the voice for the precious, little unborn!!! & we are!!! making a difference cuz God answers every prayer in His own perfect way!!!   (Jenny)

October 12, 2012 - Day 17

Nick & two new prayer warriors, Sadeer & his fiance Jessica, were talking after the 5pm prayer vigil this evening. I stopped by to say hello & share holy water & said The Prayer for the Helpless Unborn to end the 5pm Prayer Vigil & begin the 6pm Prayer Vigil. I gave Sadeer some info packs & Baby Jesus prayer cards to pass out to their pro-life friends, then hugs to all & said good bye as I wanted to get to the grass area & start my prayer hour.

I started singing the Holy Rosary, reading a brief Sorrowful Mystery meditation before each Hail Mary. Maribeth showed up a short time thereafter & she led the rest of the Rosary as well as the Chaplet of Divine Mercy with Saint Faustina's meditations on The Passion.  Positives as usual & one negative, a young man driving by yelled "get a life!"  Maribeth said to me "we're saving lives."  These cowardly "drive-by screamers" never get the chance to find out what a peaceful, prayerful group we are & to discuss that the only "real choice" is to choose LIFE for the precious, little one in the womb. May God convert their hardened hearts to His light & truth. Amen!!! We ended the Prayer Vigil with The Prayer for the Conversion of Abortionists and Their Staffs, looked at the big, beautiful American flag & said the Pledge of Allegiance & sang America the Beautiful.  (Jenny)

Friday, October 12, 2012

October 11, 2012 - Day 16

Julie S from St. Therese of Lisieux Church & Regina F from St. Martin de Porres Church joined me this evening. We held "Pray to End Abortion" signs & walked up & down the grass area. We took turns leading the Holy Rosary reading a brief Luminous Mystery meditation before each Hail Mary. Happy honks of approval, thumbs up, waves for the most part & one negative - a young woman rode her bike by us while we were talking to a post-abortive lady & her comment to us was, "why don't you go feed hungry children." I guess she isn't bothered that children are being torn apart in the wombs of their mothers in this evil place called WomanCare. The post-abortive woman we were talking yelled at her to get Jesus in her life & repent. wow!!! I didn't expect that. We prayer warriors don't yell at those who have negative remarks toward us but when this post-abortive lady checks out our website, she will see how we act out here, in peaceful prayer. Regina explained to her what 40 Days for Life was all about & I gave her a Baby Jesus prayer card. She plans to start praying here. She said was forced to have two abortions & almost a third but "something, Jesus" stopped her & her son Anthony was born. She said all us Christians have to be united against abortion. What a great blessing it was to speak with her. God has healed her beautifully.

Julie had to leave so Regina & I faced traffic by the abortion mill & she read from our pro-life booklet, the Intention, Scripture, Reflection & Prayer for today - Day 16 & the Prayer of Parents & a Pro-Life Prayer. We said the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and sang America the Beautiful. It was windy again this evening but not as cold as last night but in Michigan we all know that winter is here & we need to dress in layers when we are out here praying in the winter weather. (Jenny)

October 10, 2012 - Day 15

MaryAnn from Sts Cyril & Methadonius was warming up in her car for the last bit of her 5pm prayer vigil when I arrived. I said hello & we both realized that summer is over!!! It was 48 when I started the 6pm prayer vigil & 46 on the drive home.

I blest myself with holy water & sprinkled a bit on the ground & slowly walked up to the traffic light & back to the abortion mill as I read all the opening prayers. I then started the Holy Rosary reading a brief Glorious Mystery before each Hail Mary. Every now & then the wind almost knocked me over but it was calm for the most part, just really getting cold out now here in Michigan. Cindy joined me...yeah!!! & we walked together holding our pro-life signs toward traffic. Cindy told me to look at the car that had just pulled up. A young lady rolled down the window & said thank you & gave me a donation. I gave her my pack of Baby Jesus cards & told her to take a few to give to other pro-life folks & she slipped the donation in there with the prayer cards. She looked at the Baby Jesus card, smiled at me & kissed Him. I thanked her for taking the time to stop by & talk that we really appreciated it. We ended our vigil with the Day 15 Prayer & the Prayer for the Conversion of Abortionists and their Staffs, faced the American flag & said the Pledge of Allegiance, sang America the Beautiful then went to our cars to warm up on the way home. Dress in layers out there as the wind makes it seem much colder now. Nice to see more folks signing up to pray for out precious, little, helpless unborn & for their parents to give life to their little ones.  (Jenny)

October 8, 2012 - Day 13

When I arrived Rich & Sandi were ending their 5 pm prayer hour. I shared holy water & walked with them & prayed the last two decades of the rosary with them. I gave them some 40 Days for life brochures & Baby Jesus prayer cards to give to their pro-life friends. Nick was also there for the 5 pm prayer hour, walking back & forth along the sidewalk in peaceful prayer.

I walked along the grass area the entire hour to keep warm & said all the opening prayers. Then said the Holy Rosary reading a brief Joyful Mystery before each Hail Mary. When I was starting the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Cindy joined me...yeah!!! She led the Chaplet as we held up our pro-life signs toward traffic. Mostly positives & one negative... all I heard was abortion & choice so I said a prayer for that young man for conversion of his hardened heart. We closed our prayer vigil with the Prayer for the Conversion of Abortionists and their Staffs, said the Pledge of Allegiance facing the big, beautiful American flag & sang America the Beautiful. Get out there to pray if you are able. (Jenny)

October 7, 2012 - Day 12 (LIFE CHAIN)

St. Thecla Adopt A Day

We had a wonderful prayer vigil with Fr Doug Bignal of St. Thecla.  We had approximately 20 people there.  We covered the morning hours with prayer warriors.  During the afternoon, several people from our parish participated in the Life Chain on Gratiot with Fr. Pavone.  But, we hope for more help during the next campaign.  We also held our RTL rose ceremony, that morning, before our 10:00 Mass.  It was beautiful.  (Kathleen O)


Just before the 10 am Mass, our parish held the Rose Ceremony commemorating the start of legalized abortion in the USA. This Ceremony usually takes place in January each year around the date in 1972 when abortion became a legal reality. 40 men, women, and children participated. During the Ceremony a lector reads a brief reflection starting with 1972 naming a person born that year as they each place their rose in a cradle in front of the altar.  By the end of the brief ceremony there are 40 precious people filling the sanctuary in front of the altar.   Our Pastor Fr. Doug Bignell celebrated the Holy Eucharist, and then arrived at the clinic for an 11:45 am prayer service. A group of prayer warriors formed a circle as Fr. Doug led us in a beautiful Litany to St. Gianna, Molla, a pregnant mother expecting her fourth child when a tumor was discovered in her abdominal area.  St. Gianna who gave birth to her baby and died a few days later.  She was canonized in 2004 by Blessed Pope John Paul II. Her story and the litany can be found at this website:

When the prayer service ended we thanked Fr. Bignell for leading us in prayer.  Many prayer warriors remained to continue praying throughout the afternoon and evening.  At 2 pm we were joined by others to stand in silent witness for Life Chain.  We lined the grassed area near the curb and received many positive signs, thumbs up, smiles, and greetings from passing motorists.  As we prayed the Rosary, Kathy and I gave thanks to God for being able to witness for the lives of the unborn babies still in their mother’s wombs and for the souls of those who were aborted at this clinic and throughout our country and world.  It is hard to fathom that this crime has been legal for almost 40 years. We pray that this clinic will close its doors because of faithful prayer warriors who have answered the call to give witness for Life here in Sterling Hts.  From Connie & Kathy


 Life Chain - 2:00 - 3:00 p.m.

There were about 25 of us for the Life Chain prayer hour today--how wonderful to cover the front of the strip mall and abortion clinic.  We held our signs which spoke of Life, Liberty, and Justice for All; Pray to End Abortion; and Vote Pro-Life!  There were numerous happy honks, thumbs up and mouthed "thank yous" from passersby.  It is so very encouraging to see the public take the stand with us in this battle for LIFE!  Thank you Sue, for registering our site!  (Maribeth)


Sue & I arrived at the same time this past Sunday for the 6pm Prayer Vigil. We blest ourselves with holy water, sprinkled a bit on the ground. It was 49 but with the wind, felt a little colder. Please remind everyone to dress really warm!!! I held one Pray To End Abortion in front of mr & the other one hanging from my arm facing traffic.

Sue read all the daily devotionals for the past week, the Intentions, Scriptures, Reflections & Prayers. We ended with the Prayer for the Conversion of Abortionists and their Staff, the Pledge of Allegiance facing the big American flag & sang America the Beautiful. There were lots of positives & four negatives (F U's). We said a special prayer for those young men for whatever reason their hearts are so hardened against the unborn that God will convert them to His light & truth. More & more folks are getting out there to pray. I'll send an updated prayer warrior schedule soon. Thx to all our on-site PW's & HPW's for caring about the unborn being killed at these evil places.  (Jenny)

October 6, 2012 - Day 11

I blest myself with holy water & sprinkled a bit on the ground around me & said all my opening prayers facing WomanCare abortion mill. As it was a bit windy I walked up & down the sidewalk to keep warm holding my Pray To End Abortion sign, said the Holy Rosary reading a brief Joyful Mystery before each Hail Mary. Cindy from St. Ronald's Church joined me & finished leading the rosary for us. A BIG THANK YOU TO DEACON FRANZ! ! ! for inviting the St. Ronald folks at 5pm Mass to join me at WomanCare after Sat Masses during 40 Days for Life as I pray there until 7pm. When Cindy heard this before 5pm Mass she decided to do drive over & pray with me... excellent!!! THANK YOU CINDY!!! After leading us in the rosary, she went home... was pretty cold. As it gets colder in Michigan, it's a good idea to wear layers.
I continued walking & sang the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, especially for the conversion of abortionists. Then faced WomanCare again & read the Intention, Reflection, Scripture & Prayer for Day 11 from our booklet & then faced the flag & placed my right hand on my heart & said the Pledge of Allegiance & sang America the Beautiful.

Mostly positives & one negative, for whom I said a prayer for before I ended the prayer vigil for him flipping off Cindy & me. If men would speak up to save the life of the baby they helped create, most women say they would not go through with the abortion... so sad that some men don't stand up for life... they just want to "get rid of the problem." (Jenny)

October 5, 2012 - Day 10

St. Augustine/Holy Family Parishes Adopt A Day was on Friday, October 5th. We had an awesome turnout and were able to give a good witness for the cause of life! It was a God-incident that our "adopt a day," event happened to be on the Feast Day of St. Faustina Kawalska. She happened to suffer much for the sin of abortion and I felt she was with us spiritually especially since both of our parishes have a great devotion to the Divine Mercy message. 
On the overcast, Friday afternoon, Fr. Phil lead 17 of us in prayer at the 3:00 p.m hour. We prayed the Divine Mercy Chaplet, sang Marian Hymns, meditated on the sorrowful mysteries of the Rosary, read the 40 Days for Life daily devotion, and we recommitted ourselves to the prolife cause by praying the Litany in Response to Abortion by Fr. Frank Pavone. 
We came from several different communities of faith all under the one purpose to end the culture of death by our prayers and witness and God's mercy. The prayer warrior who would get the prize for traveling the farthest would be Seminarian John who showed up in the wind and rain in his flip-flops. Ouch! Being from North Dakota, he says our weather is warm compared to the unmerciful snow falls that are back in his home state. I have to admit I am not as tough as John. I had my toe warms on the bottom of my feet.
We gave a powerful witness to what Christ died for when we instinctively knelt to pray the final mystery of the Sorrowful Rosary, Our Lord's Crucifixion. Do you think 17 people kneeling at the onset of rush hour got some attention on 15-Mile Road that afternoon? I do not doubt it! It was a remarkably peaceful prayer witness and one that I am sure strengthened everyone's resolve for the cause for life. After that prayer hour ended a few of us took a break for an hour, while others stayed to pray while it got cold, windy, and rainy.
As I returned, with my fellow prayer warrior, Donna, I was impressed to see Seminarian John standing holding an umbrella in his flip-flops for a group of women with a picture of Our Lady of Guadalupe while they prayed the Rosary. My toes were cold for him even with my toe warmers! When they departed and we took over the next prayer hour, I told John, "You need to find some socks." I could not help it; I guess it must be the mother in me, and besides I think his own mother would have appreciated it. With a smile he said, "It is laundry day. I think I can find a pair!" 
We prayed the Rosary for the Conversion of America and sang American Hymns the next prayer hour. I met some wonderful prayer warriors from Fr. Phil's former parish, St. Lawrence, and they shared an inspiration of protecting religious freedom which they received from Fr. Phil. There were several of us who stood in the rain and cold, but our spirits were warm with the love of God, who we know accomplishes everything!
God bless,
P.S. please remember to pray for Seminarian John and his brother Jason who are being called to the priesthood and religious life.


As I blest myself with holy water & sprinkled a bit on the ground around me I looked up & a lady in her car stopped by the light was trying to read my sign with her head tilted as my sign was tilted. I held it straight for her so she could read it "Pray To End Abortion." She smiled & gave me a thumbs up. I said "Thank you, God bless you."

WOW!!! There was a big group of prayer warriors with Jill from different churches & a Sacred Heart Seminarian. Jill H/St. Augustine Parish will update us on their prayer time out there when she gets a chance & it will be on our blog. I said hello to all & passed out Baby Jesus Prayer cards to all then began my walk up & down the sidewalk while softly singing the Holy Rosary, meditating on the Sorrowful Mysteries then the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, for all involved in abortion in any way. Since it was raining slightly, I left all my prayer cards/booklets in my bag where they would stay dry. Maribeth had to work late, so she arrived toward the end of the 6pm prayer vigil but had a chance to talk to all the Prayer Warriors with Jill then she & I went closer to WomanCare abortion mill & she said a beautiful pro-life prayer & we sang Jesus, remember me when you come into Your Kingdom, O Jesus remember me when You come into Your Kingdom.
Kathy/Mike L, Maribeth, myself & a few other prayer warriors then went to St. Malachy Church for the First Friday Service. It was just a beautiful, peaceful service, giving us all a good, long while to be there with Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament on the alter. Much needed relaxing time with Jesus that we all needed.
I took a cup of chocolate kisses from the gathering room table of goodies to give me a little boost of energy as I still had work to do, said good bye to all, thanked Fr. Joe for a beautiful First Friday Service then headed for home. Since I had to get back to work, Tom said our evening Rosary for the end of abortion himself.

Last night, I heard happy honks of approval throughout the 6pm prayer vigil, don't remember any negatives, but folks were driving into the parking lot to slow down & read our pro-life signs & some looked toward WomanCare, so I'm sure they know where the evil is taking place & that we folks are just peaceful, prayer warriors for the precious little helpless ones in the womb. They have no voice in this world, so it is our honor to be their voice for them. (Jenny)

October 4, 2012 - Day 9

There were 5 Prayer Warriors at WomanCare abortion mill when I arrived last night, Nick, Regina, Cindy, Dianne & one other prayer warrior whose name escapes me right now (yes, a senior moment!!! for me). We said hello, gave hugs then started the 6pm Prayer Vigil. Regina & Cindy stayed with Joe & I.

Joe led the opening prayers & read Day 9's Intention, Scripture, Reflection & Prayer from our booklet, then led the Holy Rosary reading a brief Luminous Mystery before each Hail Mary, then led the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, & the Prayer for the Conversion of Abortionists and their Staffs. We turned to face the beautiful, big American flag, placed our right hands on our hearts & said The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag & sang America the Beautiful.

Folks passing by were as always about 99% positive, thumbs up, waves, smiles, nods of approval. One lady drove by & said "It's America Folks" in a very sarcastic voice, I guess meaning that we should not be there?!?!? Regina said, "God bless America" & I held up my Pray To End Abortion toward her & Cindy held up her beautiful picture of Our Lady of Guadalupe toward that women. Another lady yelled "Freedom of Choice, uh huh," I said softly for our little prayer group to hear, "Choose life, uh huh." We try not to react to those negative ones. We just pay that their misguided feelings of thinking it's absolutely ok to have an abortion... precious, little babies in the womb torn apart by the abortion doctor... Such an evil act!!! 


Thursday, October 4, 2012

October 3, 2012 - Day 8

After blessing myself with holy water & sprinkling a bit on the ground I began all the opening prayers. Kathy & Mike L arrived shortly thereafter...YEAH!!! and he took over the readings & led us in the Holy Rosary reading a brief Glorious Mystery meditation before each Hail Mary.  Then Maribeth joined us as well. YEAH!!! four prayer warriors in peaceful prayer for the unborn. We read the Intention, Scripture, Reflection & Prayer from the 40 Days for Life booklet and the Prayer for the Conversion of Abortionists and their Staffs as we got to the end of our prayer vigil.  We received mostly positives (one elderly gentlemen drove through the parking lot with a big thumbs up and a "thank you" to us for being out there praying for the babies!   We also had one " #1 sign" -- you all know what that is. We immediately pray for those who are showing negatives, because their anger is usually related to abortion in some way & our prayers go up to God to heal their broken hearts & show them His light & truth & hopefully they will come back to Him.  We then turned toward the big, beautiful American flag & placed our right hands on our hearts as we said The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag & finished singing America the Beautiful. It was a very beautiful evening of prayers.  (Jenny & Maribeth)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

October 1, 2012 - Day 6

I arrived at the abortion mill 15 minutes early & a new Prayer Warrior, Rich R was walking back & forth along the lawn area in quiet prayer. We said hello & blest ourselves with holy water, sprinkled a bit on the ground & continued until 6 pm Prayer Warriors Louise & Joe showed up. I introduced everyone, Rich had to leave & the three of  us took turns leading the rosary, with a brief Sorrowful Mystery before each Hail Mary. Joe then led us in the Chaplet of Divine Mercy with St. Faustina's meditations of Christ's passion before each decade.  We then took turns reading various pro-life prayers & ended with the Prayer for the Conversion of Abortionists and their Staffs. We faced the beautiful American flag, placed our right hands over our hearts & said the Pledge of Allegiance & sang America the Beautiful.  Joe is checking online to get the second verse so we can sing that as well to end our prayer vigils. May God bless all prayer warriors who take time out of their busy days to pray on-site or at home for the precious unborn babies in danger of being killed at these evil places. (Jenny)

September 30, 2012 - Day 5

Amen!  There were four of us praying for all involved in abortion in any way ~ Sue K, Kathy & Mike L and myself.  Thank you for being there in peaceful prayer for the unborn!!!  (Jenny)

September 29, 2012 - Day 4

I was able to pray a little extra yesterday, got there at 5:15 p.m.  I blest myself with holy water & sprinkled a bit on the grass area where I held my Pray To End Abortion sign & offered up my prayer time there for all involved in abortion in any way.  I began with all the opening prayers then since I was still by myself I offered up various songs for the end of abortion ~ Have You Seen Jesus My Lord, Here I am Lord, How Great Thou Art,  You Are Mine. Then said some more pro-life prayers.      

Next was the Chaplet of Divine Mercy in song & a little bit into that Kathy & Mike L joined me...yeah!!! Mike finished leading the Chaplet & then read Day 4 Intention, Scripture, Reflection & Prayer from our 40 Days for Life booklet, then led the rosary saying a brief Luminous Mystery before each Hail Mary.  A lady drove by then parked & came over to us with a donation "for all we do."  She was from Iraq & asked us to pray for her family who are  here now but going through "some problems." I hugged her in thanks & gave her our 40 Days for Life brochure & she said her daughter would read it to her as her English was not too good, but I told her that her English was quiet excellent. 

After Mike finished leading us in the rosary we said an Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be & Memore for that sweet lady & her family.  We also offered up more songs ~ Immaculate Mary & Be  Not Afraid.      Almost all positives yesterday, happy honks, waves, smiles, a darling little lady in the passenger's seat with both thumbs up to us & a big smile.  One negative - a young man in the passenger's seat gave us "the sign - that we were #1 in his book." I'm sure you all know what I mean.  We said the prayer for him that Aunt Stella gave me a long time ago to keep my "Detroit Jenny" temper in check when negatives happen & it totally works!!!  "Gracious God, loving our enemies seems like one of the most difficult things You could ask of us. Please remind us that this is how You love and if You ask it of us, You will give us the grace to do it. This we ask through Christ our Lord, to convert the hard heart of that young man. Amen."

To close our prayer vigil we said the Prayer for the Conversion of Abortionists and Their Staffs, faced the big, beautiful American flag, placed our right hands over our hearts & said the Pledge of Allegiance than sang America the Beautiful.  (Jenny)

September 28, 2012 - Day 3

Last night when I arrived at WomanCare, there were two prayer warriors already there in peaceful prayer. Louise was standing on the grass are facing traffic with her pro-life sign & Alan from Sacred Heart Seminary was walking back & forth along the sidewalk with his pro-life sign.  I said hello to both & introduced them to each other, we blest ourselves with holy water than I walked along the sidewalk with Alan as he finished the last three decades of the Rosary meditating on the Luminous Mysteries.  As some preteen boys walked by, they answered the Hail Mary that Alan had just begun... so excellent to hear that.  He then had to leave to get back to SHS for 7 pm Mass.

I said the opening prayers as I sprinkled a bit of holy water on the ground & holding my "Pray to End Abortion sign" said the Prayer for the Helpless Unborn, the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel for all Prayer Warriors, the Dearest Mother Mary prayer, JPII's Pro-life prayer, the Prayer for our Pastors. Maribeth read the 2012 National Prayer for our nation, the 40 Days for Life Intention, Scripture, Reflection & Prayer from the booklet for today/Friday & then led the rosary reading a brief Joyful Mystery meditation before each Hail Mary.  She then read from the Family Prayers, Reflections & Song booklet, the Holy Family reflection, Prayer of Parents, Pro-life Prayer.  Another beautiful night of respectful recognition!!

We then faced the big, beautiful American flag, placed our right hands on our hearts & said the Pledge of Allegiance. To close our prayer vigil, sang America the Beautiful, O Lord, Giver of All Life and Be Not Afraid.   (Jenny / Maribeth)

September 27, 2012 - Day 2

I arrived early last night to get some dinner, had an antipasto salad at My Pizza Place, ordered a greek salad to pick up after at 7pm & also order a shrimp, mushroom & peapod dinner from the Chinese carry out for 7pm.  (What a blessing that Jenny patronizes these establishments and shares the pro-life message!!!)

Paul & Louise were already there at 5:30 praying.  Paul waited for me to finish dinner then gave me donations a couple of ladies had given to him for me to give to Maribeth when she arrived to pray... how nice of those two ladies!!! A man in the Chinese carry out asked about what we sprinkle on the ground & I told him about the sacramental of holy water that we like to use to bless ourselves before we pray which keeps the evil one away, and satan just hates holy water.

I walked to the sidewalk, blest myself with holy water &  sprinkled a bit on the ground & began walking to & from the traffic light holding my "Pray to End Abortion sign" & said the Prayer for the Helpless Unborn, the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel for all Prayer Warriors. Then Maribeth said the Dearest Mother Mary prayer, JPII's Pro-life prayer, the Prayer for our Pastors, & the 2012 National Prayer for our nation, the 40 Days for Life Intention, Scripture, Reflection & Prayer from the booklet & then led the rosary reading a brief Glorious Mystery meditation before each Hail Mary.  Lots of positives this evening, happy honks, waves, smiles.  Our precious Susan joined us toward the end of the prayer vigil which was just wonderful.  We all continue to pray for her as she goes through difficult medical times right now.

Four darling preteens (two girls & two boys) stopped by to talk pro-life with Maribeth, Susan & myself.  I asked if their parents would be ok with me giving them a Baby Jesus Prayer Card & they all said "YES" they are pro-life!!!  The youngest boy said "we really appreciate you."  That just made the three of us smile.  It is so great to talk to the various young ones who stop by to say they are pro-life. We always ask them to join us in prayer when they get time & more folks are joining us this year, more young ones.  They are our future.  We walked back & forth along the sidewalk to complete our rosary. Then the three of us faced the big flag on the other side of the street, put our right hands on our hearts & said the Pledge of Allegiance. To close our prayer vigil, sang America the Beautiful.
(Jenny / Maribeth)

September 26, 2012 - Day 1

As I arrived at WomanCare abortion mill Nick, our 5 pm Prayer Warrior, was leaving.  Louise planned to stay another 40 minutes or so in prayer.  She shared her holy water with me & she stayed on the grass facing traffic praying her rosary holding her pro-life sign.  I walked along the sidewalk to the traffic light & back to the abortion mill holding my Pray To End Abortion sign praying the rosary, with a brief Sorrowful Mystery meditation before each Hail Mary.  When Louise had to go, I still had another 20 minutes left of my prayer hour so I prayed the Stations of the Cross facing the abortion mill.  All positives this evening, happy honks, waves, smiles from folks driving by & walking by, a great way to start off our first day.  God bless everyone who is able to join us on-site & God bless our HPW's.  (Jenny)

September 26, 2012 - FALL 2012 OPENING VIGIL

From 12 midnight to 1:00 a.m., ten prayer warriors gathered at WomanCare abortion mill to begin our Fall 2012 40 Days for Life Fall Prayer Campaign:   Regina, Matthew, Ann, Grace, Richard, Paul, Robin, Sue, Maribeth & Jenny. 

The weather was very comfortable and the clinic grounds were peaceful--masking the reality of what truly happens behinds those doors.  Maribeth opened our vigil with various intentions for the hour:   safety of all prayer warriors on site at the various abortion mills, a change in heart for all who walk through the clinic door "seeking a solution," and for the conversion of abortionists and their staffs.

We all faced the huge flag flying across the street and with hands on our hearts, we said the Pledge of Allegiance.  Paul & Richard led us in the rosary,  with Maribeth reading a brief 40 Days for Life pro-life meditation before each Hail Mary.  Matthew led us in the Chaplet of Divine Mercy.  We took turns reading the Pro-Life Beatitudes from the Family Prayerbook. 

Didn't want the goodbyes to end. So great praying with faithful prayer warriors (we are all "family" in this battle for LIFE).  We prayed for more to enlist in the army of prayer warriors.  May the present warriors become recruiters.  If we ever needed to root out the evils in our country it is NOW.  Prayer is the GREATEST weapon.  Remember, this is the Chapel without Walls-- always room for a dozen more!    (Jenny / Sue / Maribeth)

Sue....we can still see you!!!  (behind Jenny/Paul)