Sunday, October 28, 2012

October 25, 2012 - Day 30

 I arrived & faced WomanCare abortion mill, blest myself with holy water & sprinkled the ground with a bit. Man, was it windy!!! but still nice & warm!!! our last day in the 70's I believe. I wrapped the string on my Pray To End  Abortion sign around my arm a couple times so it would not flip up & "klonk" me in the face!!! Yes, this has happened quite a bit on windy nights lol!!! oh well.

 I began the 6pm prayer vigil by saying all the opening prayers. A young man drove by & yelled "yes abortion, yes abortion, yes abortion"  I yelled back YES LIFE, YES LIFE, YES LIFE!!! & held up my Pray To End Abortion sign toward his car, just could not help myself. His car had dark windows so the coward could not be seen.  These "drive by screamers" are most definitely, totally cowards & just plan hard hearted people who won't even stop to discuss the issue of what makes it right to dismember a tiny little baby in the womb of his or her mother. If they would just talk with us for a few moments maybe we could change their view but since they just scream & drive away all we can do it pray for them. So sad!!! I just stopped right there & said the prayer that Aunt Stella had given me "many moons" ago: Gracious God, loving our enemies seems like one of the most difficult things You could ask of us. Please remind us that this is how You love and if You ask it of us, You will give us the grace to do it. This we ask through Christ our Lord. Amen. I  also said an Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be & Memore for that young man.

Then yeah!!! Maribeth arrived. She started leading the Holy Rosary then yeah!!! our precious Susan arrived.  Maribeth faced traffic one way & I faced traffic the other way & Susan led the Holy Rosary reading a brief Luminous Mystery before each Hail Mary then yeah!!! Carmen arrived.  She had a VOTE PRO LIFE sign so we four girls prayed together for our tiny, little brothers & sisters in the womb who are in danger of being killed here at WomanCare very soon.  We must keep both Susan & Carmen in our prayers as they are going through some rough times right now. Lord, wrap your healing arms around both of these Prayer Warrior sisters of ours. Amen.

Lots of folks in the slow traffic were straining to see our signs as dusk was setting in so I would hold it up & a little closer for them to see Pray To End Abortion & got lots!!! of thumbs up.  We girls then placed our right hands on our hearts, faced the big, beautiful American flag & said the Pledge of Allegiance & sang America the Beautiful. Maribeth closed with a special prayer for the conversion of abortion doctors & their staffs. My thanks go out to all those who pray on-site as well as our HPW's.  We ARE making a difference out there. Thank you, Jesus!!!   (Jenny)

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