Sunday, October 28, 2012

October 27, 2012 - Day 32

Holding my Pray To End Abortion sign against the wind, I faced WomanCare abortion mill, blest myself with holy water & sprinkled a bit on the ground & started my opening prayers then yeah!!! Louise arrived.  We both prayed silently for a bit so she could say her own private opening prayers.  Then I read the last two prayers & we began walking back & forth along the lawn area. Cars were stopped for the light & right away a negative, a young man yelled "it's a woman's choice." I was glad he was stopped at the light so I walked up & said, "of course it's a woman's choice but we are praying that she will chose life for her baby."  He shook his head at me so I said, "we are praying that they chose life for their unborn babies instead of having them savagely killed at these places."  He didn't say anything back to me & the light turned green & he drove off.  Sometimes, I just have to tell them like it is... babies are being torn apart in the mom's wombs & it is just so evil.  Folks would never stand that happening to little puppies, I assure you, so we must!!! speak up for the little boys & girls in the womb.  Immediately after that guy drove away, a car slowed down by us happy honking!!! Thank you Jesus!!! :o)

Man, the wind was really strong at times & even though it was 49 which isn't terribly cold, it felt much colder because of the wind. Dressed in layers, we were both okay for the entire prayer hour. We took turns leading the Holy Rosary reading a brief Joyful Mystery meditation before each Hail Mary. Then we stood under the light & I read from the 40 Days for Life Devotional Booklet: Intention, Scripture, Reflection & Prayer.

We started walking again singing the Chaplet of Divine Mercy & Louise said "oh no, I lost my rosary." So we started praying to St. Anthony & walked slowly along the grass area & half way to the traffice light, there it was, on the sidewalk...yeah!!! It is a special rosary of hers, so thank you St. Anthony for helping us find it so quickly.  We closed out the prayer hour with the Pledge of Allegiance & America the Beautiful then Louise said a closing prayer from her heart which was quite beautiful. My hands were just starting to get cold, so it was nice to get into the car & warm up.  (Jenny)

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