Monday, November 5, 2012

October 30, 2012 - Day 35

Three of my Secular Franciscans, Marge, Carol, and Connie, joined me in praying there.  We dressed warmly and it wasn't too windy, but it was sprinkling, so we sat in my car and said the prayers. I didn't want anyone to get sick. I parked the car facing the clinic and put my sign in the back window. While we were praying, we saw the light go on inside the clinic and we could see the TV was turned on.  We didn't see anyone and there were no cars in front of the clinic.  Whatever was on the TV didn't look like the news.  After a while, the light was turned off and a woman came out of the clinic.  She could have been a worker.  Her van was parked in back of mine.  When she started to leave, she went out the back way.  We finished up our prayers and left at 7.  I just want to say how much I thank the ladies who joined me!  The Holy Spirit encouraged them to come.  God bless them and God bless you, Jenny.  You are a faithful prayer warrior for the unborn.  (Norma)

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