Saturday, March 9, 2013

Day 23 - March 7, 2013

Sue, our co-director, was already at the clinic waiting to join me...yeah!!! We blest ourselves with holy water & I sprinkled a bit on the ground then we faced WomanCare as she read the opening prayers after she had offered up our prayer intentions for this eveing. Maribeth arrived to join us...yeah!!!! We finished the opening prayers & started walking as we prayed the Holy Rosary with Sue reading beautiful family, pro-life meditations regarding the Luminour Mysteries. As we walked back toward WomanCare abortion mill, we could see Susan walking toward us...yeah!!! So we four PW's offered up the chilly winds, the frozen fingers & the frozen toes to God asking Him to accect our little aches & pains for the end of this evil in our world. We took turns leading the various decades of the Rosary then sang the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for the conversion of abortion doctors. Happy honks were heard now & then & a drive by screamer drove by but we sang the Chaplet louder & louder so we did not hear his words. We did pray though for all those with hardened hearts to be converted to God's the culture of life.

When Sue was reading the pro-life meditation about family life with it's hardships & joys, four young kids started walking along the piles of snow toward us & then when they got to us did jumping jacks giving us all big smiles. Such energy we all remember from our youth!!! Perfect timing to see these darling kids as Sue was reading about the joys of children to our families. This is the reason we are out here in peaceful prayer... that little ones may have the chance at life.

Shawn's updates are so great to read each night!!! They help me remember that my efforts at the abortion mill each night are pleasing to God & DO make a difference. (Jenny)

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