Thursday, August 8, 2013

August 1, 2013 - Thursday Vigil

It was a peaceful prayer time at the clinic -- Richard, Sue, Susan and myself prayed the Chaplet, lifting up our heart prayers for the unborn and all those who don't see life as a gift from our Creator.  We were especially thankful for Susan being able to join us -- thank You God for Your comfort for Susan as she continues to seek treatment and healing.  It was also such a blessing to see that Richard (and his wife Marsha) returned safely from his trip out west.  Thank You Lord!!!

Just a few odd remarks from the public tonight.  One man drove by and told us "Get Over It.  It's Real."  Well, that IS why we are out there is real, and it is taking lives!  I'm not sure how on just "gets over" something.  Killing a child isn't something you just "get over."  We prayed for that man--asking the Holy Spirit to open his eye to the truth.

Another young man was too chicken to talk to us directly.  He waiting until he was past us, then put down his backseat window to yell something.  It was inaudible...but we were pretty sure it wasn't a positive sentence.  Again, we prayed for his awareness of the gift of life.

At the end of our prayer hour we said the Pledge of Allegiance and gave thanks for our privilege of being able to be out there to pray together.  Sue, Susan, and I were excited to meet Jenny for dinner, too.  The four of us girls were truly blessed to share a meal and prayers together.  Thank You God for all of Your goodness.  Duh...I forgot to take a picture of all of us!  Next time!  (Maribeth)

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