Sunday, October 27, 2013

October 27, 2013 -- DAY THIRTY-THREE - FALL 2013 40 DAYS FOR LIFE

2:30 p.m. Vigil with St. Thecla
St. Thecla's Parish represented by about 30 people were led in prayer by Fr. Prill.  We sang Let There Be Peace, and said prayers to St. Gianna Molla. Then we prayed the Holy Rosary.  When we pray the Rosary we are joined by all of the saints and angels! So powerful.  What an uplifting and encouraging experience. There were several young people in our group.  We closed with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and "God Bless America"  In God we trust! (Sue K)
What an amazing group from St. Thecla!  Thank you for coming out to pray!!

6:00 p.m. Vigil

I faced WomanCare abortion mill with my two pro-life signs toward traffic, blest myself with holy water, sprinkled a bit on the ground around me & began the opening prayers.  A drive-by screamer yelled "go home you dumb ass."  I immediately turned toward his car & sure enough, that coward got stopped at the light so I held up my rosary with praying hands & sang the Our Father for his misguided, hardened heart & soul.  He was stuck there quite a while so I'm sure he could see me in his rearview mirror praying for him. Lord, heal him. Amen!!!

Maribeth arrived ~ yeah!!! We talked about the story of the ass whose owner starved him for three days then placed him in the middle of the town with fresh hay at one end & St. Francis holding our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament at the other end of town & that ass walked over to our Lord & knelt down in front of Him, so you see, being called a dumb ass means nothing to me. Maribeth then took over reading the rest of the opening prayers & we walked back & forth along our grass prayer area which we consider sacred ground because of the precious little ones being slaughtered at WomanCare abortion mill at least once a week. We pray for those tiny little babies who end up as little baby body pieces tossed away like trash into the red bucket. We know they are immediately with God in Heaven but man what a horrid death, trying to get away from the clamps & knife jabbing at them, just horrid!!!

Lord, help their moms & dads & the abortionists realize what they have done & humbly beg You to forgive them. You are such a merciful God & will do so. We heard happy honks, saw smiles, thumbs up & then another negative drive-by screamer "abortion is a right."  Yeah, right ~ 7 unelected folks decided it was legal for a woman to go into one of those places to have her baby savagely removed piece by tiny piece from her tummy.  Lord, forgive us for we know not what we are doing. 

Maribeth gave a beautiful reflection before each Joyful Mystery then read a brief meditation before each Hail Mary. She closed our prayer hour with a beautiful prayer of thanksgiving for all the PW's & HPW's this campaign & other blessings we are so thankful for, the babies saved in various places because of our peaceful prayers & she asked God to please end this scourge in our world of unborn babies being brought to these places all over the world by their own mothers to be killed.  Our people are in such a mess!!! We then faced the American flag & said the Pledge of Alligence. We were blest with a most glorious sky, bright blue to the south & huge clouds, one looking like the Holy Spirit ready to pounce on Satan & the other one, oh my gosh, it looked like Christ on the cross. We could see His arms stretched up & his face bent toward his left side. It gave us tears in our eyes. Man, what a beautiful way to end our day.  Hugs good bye & I picked up my carry out from My Pizza Place then home to relax as we get ready for another work week & our last week of 40 Days for Life ~ can hardly believe it. I will then go back to my 6pm Thursday night prayer vigil & invite all of you to join me when your schedules allow. It would be good for you to be out there with me (Jenny)

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