Thursday, October 31, 2013

October 31, 2013 -- DAY THIRTY-SEVEN - FALL 2013 40 DAYS FOR LIFE

That is HORROR -- and it happens in our neighborhoods every day!
This frightening TRUTH leaves behind blood, guts, and gore in buckets -- and we should take 
time out to SEE what our LEGAL LAWS leave in their wake....not only the dismembered and discarded little bodies, but the broken women and men who have believed the lies and need healing and our understanding.

7:00 a.m. Vigil

The 7a-8a vigil was warm, rainy, and dark.  Two prayer warriors, one standing at attention and one pacing back and forth prayed for the light of truth to shine upon the hearts and souls of all those considering abortion and all those promoting abortion. The morning vigil is so special. There are few distractions and much peace to prayerfully plead for an end to abortion and the healing of those who have participated in abortion in any way. We also pray for those who have yet to realize each person's need to defend life from conception to natural death. (Sue K )

6:00 p.m. Vigil

May all our young ones be safe this evening if they go out for their candy & as we celebrate All Saints Day on Friday at Holy Mass, we ask our dear Saints in Heaven to continue to pray along with us every time we stand at an abortion mill peacefully, lovingly shedding light on this sad place.  

Even though it was raining, it was in the high 50's so no problem, just that the wind gusts every now & then knocked us around a bit. We walked back & forth under our umbrellas as Maribeth offered up our intentions for the hour then she led the Holy Rosary giving a beautiful Luminous Mystery meditation before each decade. We then sang the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for the conversion of abortionists & Maribeth said our closing prayer from her heart ~ just wonderful. After the Pledge of Allegiance we hugged good bye & were on our way home. No young ones to give our candy to ~ I must say I indulged on WAY TOO MANY little packets of M&M's, I'm a "shveenia" ~ that's Polish for piggy  :o) 

All Saints Day tomorrow so Maribeth & I will be leaving at 6:45 to go to 7:00 p.m. Holy Mass at St. Malachy. Join us if you can.  (Jenny)

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