Monday, March 10, 2014

SPRING 2014 40 DAYS FOR LIFE: Day 6 - March 10

Kathy and I were at the clinic today from 9-10am. We went after mass at St. Thecla. Andrea joined soon after. Charlie came as we were leaving. There were ??? staff people entering the clinic. The saddest part was a truck pulled up and brought in a red  recycling type bin into the clinic. As the truck pulled away, it said on its side panel "medical waste." Imagine that? All those aborted babies discarded as medical waste.  It is so easy to think, "what's the use of fighting this ugly battle; it's been going on for so long-------------over 55million of precious ones who ARE NOT medical waste.' BUT------------ we must go on and we will. It is never about us but for our suffering Jesus who weeps for His little ones. If you can't make it out, at least pray with all your heart and make some type of sacrifice for these babies. "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." (Mike)

6:00 p.m.
Five PW's were leaving as I got to WomanCare abortion mill ~ WINGS is the name of their group, 20 ladies who just joined us last week & pray a few times each week~excellent. I told them to get ahold of Mike for signs/pro-life buttons. I gave them Baby Jesus prayer cards but forgot to give them yellow LIFE balloons, so they can stop by any night at 6pm & get some from me. We said our good byes & they left. 
Linda arrived to pray with me...yeah!!!  We blest ourselves with holy water & she began reading the opening prayers.  Louise arrived... yeah!!! She said a couple were praying in their car~that would be our darling Eleanor & Ed~excellent. We prayed the Holy Rosary, taking turns leading, reading a brief Joyful Mystery before each Hail Mary. Then we sang the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for all abortionists.
A young man drove over to us & asked why we were here. Louise said "WomanCare abortion mill."  He said "They do abortions there?" We said yes.  He said he is a Muslim, agrees with what we are doing 100% & just wanted to stop by to let us know. He lives a block away & did not know that this was an abortion mill. We PW's see this all the time, folks don't know that babies are being killed right in their own neighborhoods.   Some young boys were throwing snowballs at each other down the street & when they got up to us they read our signs & gave us big smiles. It was such a beautiful, prayerful, sunny night & we heard happy honks during our time in peaceful pray out there.  Together we said the Prayer for the Conversion of Abortionists & their staffs & faced our beautiful flag & said the Pledge of Allegiance. We then faced WomanCare & each of us said a final, personal thanksgiving prayer to Our Lord. 
Please check our website for uncovered prayer hours. Jesus will bless you for praying for His precious unborn. What better way to spend an hour with the Lord during Lent? He gave so much for us~give Him an hour of your time. JESUS, PROTECT & SAVE THE UNBORN & HEAL OUR SINFUL WORLD!!! AMEN!!!   Prayer Volunteer Schedule: ~ click on vigil schedule ~ click on VIEW SCHEDULE  ~ WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! as on-site PW's THANK YOU!!!  (Jenny)

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