Tuesday, April 1, 2014

SPRING 2014 40 DAYS FOR LIFE: Day 28 - April 1

4:30 p.m. Prayer Vigil with Steve Karlan from the 40 Days for Life National Team 
Sterling Heights, Michigan


This is the 12th 40 Days for Life campaign in Sterling Heights … and volunteers are praying that the abortion center there will not be in business much longer.

In the complex where the abortion facility is located, there’s a vacant office right next door. There had been a dentist’s office there, but that office has been vacant for some time now.

It seems that nobody wants to lease that space. If you were a healthcare professional, would you want an abortionist for a neighbor?


6:00 p.m. Prayer Vigil

I faced WomanCare abortion mill holding my pro-life sign tightly as the wind gusts were quite strong this evening. I blest myself with holy water & sprinkled a bit on the ground around me & began my opening prayers. A man & woman drove by slowly to read my sign & nodded in approval & a young man & women riding their bikes said God bless you. Wow, positives right away~excellent. I finished the opening prayers & for all involved in abortion in any way said/sang the Holy Rosary reading a brief Sorrowful Mystery before each Hail Mary. After the third decade, because of the wind, I began to walk toward the traffic light to get the wind behind me which really helped. I walked back & forth the rest of my prayer hour so I could get a break from the wind every other time. Two young boys riding by on their bikes said hi & smiled. For the conversion of abortionists & the closing of abortion mills, I sang the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. I then faced the abortion mill & said the Prayer for the Conversion of Abortionists & their Staffs. As always, I closed my hour looking at our beautiful American flag & said the Pledge of Allegiance. I could hear the PW birds chirping now & then which always makes me smile. As I was dressed in layers, the wind didn't bother me too much but I know it was not 60. When I got in my car it showed 47, so I'm glad I dressed warm.  (Jenny)

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