Thursday, September 5, 2013

August 29, 2013 - Thursday Vigil

Tonight Gordon (Cursillo Editor) stopped by to lead a pray for our group of PW's, Matthew, Maribeth & myself. It is always so great when folks bless us by stopping by!!!. For the negative drive-by screamers ~"abortion is good" ~ "abortion rules" ~ we said a prayer for the conversion to God's light & truth for those misguided young men & as they got stopped by the light a bit down from us I was able to hold my Holy Rosary & peace sign so they know that they are being prayed for & some day the Holy Spirit will hit them ~BAM ~ & they'll know that they were wrong to think that killing little babies in the womb was ok.

The positives were continual throughout the entire prayer vigil as always, thumbs up, smiles, waves & another great blessing~ a man & his teenage son stopped by to ask "where is it?" Maribeth pointed to WomanCare. Like most who stop to talk with us, he also was disgusted with name WomanCare & said "they kill little human beings there!!!" We thanked him for taking the time to stop by & said God bless you & he answered the same to us & thanked us for being out there. Our promise to all is that we will be out in front of these abortion mills until the end of this horrid evil in our world or until God calls us Home.

We begin each prayer vigil with holy water to bless ourselves & the sacred ground we walk on in peaceful prayer for all involved in abortion in any way. Matthew led the Holy Rosary with Maribeth reading a brief Glorious Mystery meditation before each Hail Mary. The Chaplet of Divine Mercy was said especially for the conversion of the abortion doctors. Our vigil ended by looking at our beautiful flag & saying the Pledge of Allegiance (with a glorious and hearty AMEN at the end!).

It may look bad out there in this world of ours but we must remember that we WIN at the end of time & we will all stand before our dear Lord & Saviour & see in His beautiful eyes as He looks at us with such a great love for us knowing how we did our best to try to save His little unborn ones & then He will give us a BIG HUG & say "well done, my good & faithful Prayer Warrior, enter into the Kingdom of Heaven." Man, I'm getting tears in my eyes, cause that is going to be such a great day for each one of us!!! God bless you all.  (Jenny)

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