Sunday, March 9, 2014

SPRING 2014 40 DAYS FOR LIFE: Day 4 - March 8

7:00 am - Shortly before 8:00 am E.B an "auto prayer warrior" came to pray.  Then a couple came to pray.  It is so much easier to leave when there are prayer warriors for the changing of the guard.  Remember, the evil one never slumbers or sleeps so we must persist in faithful prayer.  (Sue K)


6:00 p.m. Vigil

I faced WomanCare abortion mill, blest myself with holy water & sprinkled a bit on the ground around me & said my opening prayers.  My Pray To End Abortion sign was hanging from my right arm with 3 balloons tied to it, a big yellow LIFE balloon, a pink "It's a Girl" &  blue "It's a Boy."  Folks waved & smiled as they drove by & two young women stopped their car, rolled down the window with thumbs up to shout out a loud  WOOOOO & took a picture of my sign & "bundled-up me."  We exchanged smiles & I said "God bless you girls." They were most definitely pro-lifers!!! Good to see the young ones so on fire for LIFE!!!    For all involved in abortion in any way & for healing of women who have had abortions I said/sang the Holy Rosary reading a brief Joyful Mystery meditation before each Hail Mary. I then began walking as the chill was getting to me a bit as I sang the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for the changing of the hearts of abortionists & the closing of this abortion mill. I then said the Prayer for the Conversion of Abortioinists & their Staffs from our 40 Days for Life booklet & the Pledge of Alliegence. We are getting more PW's out there, little by little. JUST ONE HOUR of peaceful prayer "on-site" for the precious, helpless unborn is what we ask that everyone will try to do this Lent. Jesus will bless you for giving of yourself in such a beautiful way. I had a quick stop at Meijers on my way home & just inside the door was a young mom & her darling little baby boy in a cute gray sweat suit with grey socks on his teensy feet. I told her that I had just prayed an hour at an abortion mill with all positive reactions from folks & now seeing her precious little baby boy just made my night. :o)  I asked her if I could touch his teensy feet & she laughed & said sure & that darling little baby boy just smiled & smiled as I smiled at hime & talked baby talk to him holding on to his teensy toes ~ too cute!!! She saw my "I Pray To End Abortion" pin & smiled again.  Man, what a special treat to end a beautiful prayer hour.  (Jenny)

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