Monday, April 7, 2014

SPRING 2014 40 DAYS FOR LIFE: Day 31 - April 4

6:00 p.m. Prayer Vigil - (happy birthday Jenny -- what a blessing to celebrate your LIFE!)

I drove through heavy rain but it stopped as I got to WomanCare abortion mill.  Regina joined me...yay!!! We blest ourselves with holy water & sprinkled a bit on the ground & said the opening prayers. Huge raindrops started to fall so we huddled underneath my umbrella. A gust of wind almost knocked us back. Then another gust of wind turned my umbrella inside out. I closed it & turned it toward the wind as to not have that happen!!! get thee behind us satan!!!  we're not going anywhere!!!      Regina offered up our intentions & we took turns leading the Holy Rosary, offering up our own personal Sorrowful Mystery meditation. Just then the rain stopped & as we were getting ready to start singing the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for the conversion of abortionists & the closing of abortion mills, Maribeth joined us...yay!!! Even working late, she still made it over to be there in prayer for our precious, helpless unborn brothers & sisters...such an inspiration to us all!!! When she was taking the photos I noted that she was looking up to the wire about us... there was our darling, little PW bird, holding on tight against the wind... just wanting to be with us as we prayed/sang for the end of this horrid evil in our world. Thank you, Jesus, for sending little messages to us that You are pleased with our efforts to keep aborotion in the minds of all, so that some day soon, we will stop the killing our little unborn babies. Lots of happy honks this evening, especially during the heaviest rain/wind. (Jenny)

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