Friday, October 11, 2013

October 11, 2013 -- DAY SEVENTEEN - FALL 2013 40 DAYS FOR LIFE


This is an amazing story about being a prayer warrior and being a true servant of God – please take a few moments to read the message:


Louise had already been at WomanCare abortion mill in silent prayer for 20 minutes when I arrived.  We hugged hello, shared holy water & sprinkled a bit on the ground around us.  A young man stopped & asked "is it closed?" looking at the abortion mill. We said "no" & explained that the old dr had retired & unfortunately a new younger dr had taken over the practice.  He just shook his head. We were all sad but told him that we PW's are never!!! going away from praying in front of these evil places... not until the end abortion.  He shared some personal healing stories regarding the power of prayer & asked us again to keep praying for the end of abortion, which we will do. Maribeth arrived.  He thanked us again & was on his way.  Maribeth asked Louise to offer up our intentions for the prayer hour which she did then Maribeth started the opening prayers as we three walked along the grass area to the light. Upon turning around we saw Connie walking over to join us & down by the abortion mill, George was walking over to the prayer area with his precious son Daniel.  Daniel sat in his little lawn chair with his pro-life sign & we all stood around him & began taking turns leading the Holy Rosary noting that the Mysteries we would be meditating on were the Glorious Mysteries. How appropriate, as we were blest with a glorious group of PW's which grew one more as Norma arrived. We each took turns reading a Glorious Mystery meditation before each Hail Mary & for especially the conversion of abortion doctors, we each took turns leading the Chaplet of Divine Mercy.

Maribeth then offered up a beautiful closing prayer noting the many!!! positive folks passing by/driving by this evening that we were so thankful for... they really!!! get it, why we PW's are out there. And also for the couple of negatives we heard/saw we were thankful for as well because we get to pray for their misguided souls.  She said a special prayer asking for their conversion as well.  We all then faced the American flag & said the Pledge of Allegiance.  We could not help but smile when we heard our PWB chirping away throughout our prayer hour.  (Jenny)

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