Friday, March 16, 2012

Tidbits and Pictures (throughout the campaign)

FATHER JOE'S ROSARY --- (from Sue) --- I asked Fr. Joe one morning at WomanCare abortion mill if there was a special story about the big wooden rosary he was using. He said," not really, I was looking in the ushers room & saw this rosary & knew I would be wearing gloves & being a practical man, this rosary suited my purpose."

SCHOOL BUS DRIVER ---  (from Sue) --- A school bus filled with junior high students passed by WomanCare clinic. The students made some derogatory remarks about the pro-life prayer warriors. The bus driver seized the teachable moment. He reminded the students that their parents had chosen life. This observation made the students take pause and reconsider. Later the bus driver (in his car) returned to the prayer warriors and shared the details of this teachable moment.

MOSQUITO (When we are feeling "little")--- (from Sue) ---Joan Lewis, journalist from the Vatican, encouraged persistence in doing good and avoiding the judgment that one little person cannot make a difference. She said and I quote, "if you think that little cannot make a difference, than you have never been in bed with a mosquito."

Pictures of our dedicated prayer warriors...

Diane and Anita

Gil and Eileen

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