Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day 1 - February 22, 2012

At 12:00 am to 1:00 am, seven of us gathered for our Opening Prayer Vigil at WomanCare abortion mill/Sterling Heights, MI.  Our hope is to have at least one Prayer Warrior there from 7am to 7pm every day during 40 Days for Life. Folks go to our website & click on Hours Calendar then click on View Schedule to see Prayer Warrior listed if they want to join others in prayer there or if they see a blank slot &  they can get others to fill that slot with them peaceful prayer there. JESUS, PROTECT & SAVE THE UNBORN & HEAL OUR SINFUL WORLD. AMEN!!! May God bless every person who is involved with 40 Days for Life in any way!!! (Jenny P)

Our opening campaign Prayer Warriors -- Sue, Marcia, Regina
Richard, Daryl, Jenny ... and Maribeth (behind the camera!)

At 6:00 p.m. Maribeth & I were blest with a young woman & young man joining us this evening, Nastasija & Paul from Our Lady of Czestochowa (che sta ho va) Church.  We blest ourselves with holy water & faced the abortion mill & together read our four opening prayers.  We then turned toward traffic, lots of it at this time of night,  & prayed the rosary in a very beautiful way.  I led the first decade, using my Praying the Rosary without Distractions booklet, reading a brief Glorious Mysteries meditation before each Hail Mary.  Then I asked Nastasija to lead the second mystery.  She asked if she could pray in Polish. I said absolutely & it was just beautiful.  Then Maribeth led the third decade.  Then Paul led the fourth decade, again praying in Polish.  Then I finished the rosary leading the fifth decade.  We offered up this rosary for all involved in abortion in any way.

     A man stopped by & said he had the answer... we have to spread the word about Jesus... not just pray to end abortion... we have to talk about Jesus & sin etc, ... he was very excited.  Maribeth said "we do all that" the first thing is to get these moms & dads NOT to kill their babies in the womb... then we can talk to them about a more Christlike lifestyle & how much God loves them.  He again said, you have to talk more about Jesus.  I held up my rosary & said, "we say Jesus in every Hail Mary when we pray the rosary to end abortion" & Maribeth talked a bit more about what we do & he said Amen to that.  He drove away glad that we were talking more about Jesus... quite a darling man!!!

     I then said we were going to offer up the Chaplet of Divine Mercy in song for the conversion of all abortion doctors to God's light & truth.  After a few minutes, I realized that Nastasija & Paul did not know it, so I asked them to say their own Polish prayers for that intention & Maribeth & I walkrf back & forth on the sidewalk singing the Chaplet.  After we finished, we have four minutes left in our prayer vigil & I asked the two of them if they would sing a Polish song.  They were thinking about it & then I remembered my favorite!!! Polish song that I listen to almost every single day.  I don't know the words so I just sang the music for them & they both smiled & Paul said "Golek, from the mountain country in Poland."  I said, "do you know it?" they said "yes" So we faced the traffice holding our pro-life signs again & they sang it... excellent!!!  We then huddled & held hands & said the Our Father, had a group hug & I said "dy me bu she" which means something like can I have a kiss. They both laughed & we all gave good bye kisses. (Jenny P)
Nastasija & Paul -- sharing their Polish heritage with us!

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