Saturday, March 17, 2012

Day 25 - March 17, 2012

(Amazing Blessing tonight!)

Jenny, Christine, Nick (who was just finishing his 5P hour--but stayed with us, too!), and myself began our 6P hour with our usual prayers and supplications. We were also joined by Eleanor and her husband--praying in their car.  Nick was sharing his experience of a very disrespectful conversation with a young man--who began with saying he didn't see abortion as a problem and ended with believing the elderly don't really serve a purpose. That is so disheartening to hear - don't these people realize that, they, too, will one day be approaching senior level (God-willing!). We asked God to enlighten parents to teach their children respect for LIFE and their fellow brothers as they embark on the journey God prepared for them.

As we prayed the Rosary, it seemed that we received more negatives than usual this night-- don't know if the warmer weather or green beer had anything to do with that or not!  One man yelled the four-letter bomb at us while his precious young child was in the backseat -- straining his neck to see what his daddy was yelling at.  Our hearts were filled with pain at that sight!  Again, we lifted up parents who just "don't get it." Several large groups of young kids passed us by...smirking or acting snooty.  Again, we were feeling discouraged. Then it happened...

Two little boys (about 10 or 11) were walking back from 7-11 and the Drug Store.  They had their earphones in and they were swinging their bags of goodies -- enjoying each other with laughter and conversation.  As they approached us, they saw our signs and heard our prayers.  They stopped a few feet away and started going through their bags, shoes, and pockets.  It looked like they were trying find something of importance.  A few minutes later they walked up, and with their ever-polite voice, said "excuse me."  We stopped our praying to give our attention to these two precious children (thinking they were going to ask what abortion was and what we were doing).  One of the boys held out his little clenched hand and said "we want to donate this to your group."  Into my hands he dropped $1.24.  Our hearts melted.  We told them that this was one of the most generous donations we ever received and that this money will definitely go toward helping women and their babies.  (This was definitely a reminder of the Widow's Mite parable from Luke 21:1-4.)  Their full-faced smiles spoke volumes to all of us!  (We now know what they were so frantically searching for!)  Jenny and Nick gave them little Baby Jesus prayer cards...and they eagerly accepted them.  We prayed a blessing over them as they walked away...and continued praying for them -- asking God to keep them safe and protect their innocence; for we just know that He has great plans for their little hearts! We also lifted up their parents -- for teaching them the value of LIFE and showing them how to be respectful!

I felt bad that I didn't ask their first names...telling God that I was too caught up in the moment to make it personal.  God heard that thought!  From the corner of my eye, I could see the two boys making their way back to us...with a quicker pace.  The other little boy anxiously held out his hand with a dollar bill -- proudly stating that he wanted to offer this to the women and babies, too.  Okay, so this is when the tears were welling up and the goosebumps appeared.  This was truly a precious moment.  After we thanked them and blessed them again, I asked their names.  Their big brown eyes opened wide and they said:  Emmanuel and Amar.  All we could think of was WOW..HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD.   We were so discouraged and disheartened being in the middle of all the negativism tonight....and what did God provide us?  Himself -- Emmanuel "God is With Us"....and Amar, it has several meanings:  "forever," "virtuous, pious," and "long life."  

Yes...this was truly an amazing blessing on that sidewalk of broken hearts that grieve for all those who just don't get it.  $2.24 will be given in honor of Emmanuel and Amar to Compassion Pregnancy Center  (who have told us they minister to many women who once had appointments at this clinic). 

We finished our prayer hour with joy overflowing from our hearts and, of course, our closing song was Come, Oh Come, Emmanuel. (Maribeth)

The "self takes" -- First try....
Second try...

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I love this story! Thanks fr sharing! I live in sterling heights and have been receiving email updates for a few campaigns now, but have yet to get out on the sidewalk and pray. I have 2 very small children that I fear would get antsy quick. But maybe I can come up with a creative idea to keep them from melt downs. ;)
