Sunday, August 5, 2012

August 2, 2012 - Thursday Vigil

I arrived a bit early so I faced the abortion mill, blest myself with holy water & sprinkled a bit on the ground & said the Prayer for the Helpless Unborn, St. Michael the Archangel prayer for all prayer warriors & a couple other opening prayers for the vigil. When Maribeth arrived, I was pretty warm so we moved under the trees & began reading from our Pro-Life Booklet, "Reflections on Moses", various pro-life prayer intentions, answering each one with "Lord of life, hear our prayer" "Reflections on Mary & Joseph finding the child Jesus in the Temple"...being refreshed in "His Father's House". We said the "Bless our Family" prayer, read "Reflections on Solomon" & the "Prayer for Family Life". We ended the group prayer vigil singing "We Shall Overcome".

     Nancy had joined us & she led us in the rosary, reading a brief Joyful Mystery meditation before each Hail Mary.  Maribeth said how the Holy Spirit was working as she watched a car run a red light & miss hitting four young boys riding their bikes.  As they passed our little prayer group, Nancy had just said the first part of the Hail Mary & one of them joined in with us, "Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now & at the hour of our death. Amen.  What a special moment for us all!!

     We closed our prayer vigil saying together the Prayer for the conversion of abortionists & their staffs. (Jenny)

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