Monday, April 14, 2014

SPRING 2014 40 DAYS FOR LIFE: Day 40 - April 13

 Thank you mighty prayer warriors of the Spring 2014 40 Days for Life Campaign!

The National Team has reported that, as of today, 547 lives have been saved from Abortion!!
(and these are only the ones we know about!)

Amen and thank You Jesus!


Pictures from our Closing with Father Joe Gembala are below!

6:00 p.m. Prayer Vigil

I arrived a bit early for the 6pm Prayer Vigil, faced WomanCare abortion mill, blest myself with holy water & sprinkled a bit on the ground & began the opening prayers. Other PW's arrived & we took turns reading the various prayers. Fr. Joe arrived & as our group continued to grow ~ to 40 as it turned out!!! he gave his Palm Sunday homily talking about various #'s in the bible ~ #40 & gave the various examples ~ #12 & gave the various examples. Then told us that in the time of Jesus, a law on the books was that if one of your slaves was killed by an oxen, the owner of the oxen would have to pay you 30 pieces of silver for your dead slave. So the leaders at that time considered the worth of Our Lord to be no more than that of a dead slave. This touched my heart as I'm sure it did to many others who were listening to Fr. Joe. He asked us all what church we were from ~ St. Malachy, St. Renee, St. Martin de Porres, Sts Cyril & Methodius, St. Faustina, St. Thecla, St. Ann ~ hope I remembered them all. 
He than led the Holy Rosary, meditating on the Sorrowful Mysteries.  He told us that "the world thinking" at that time of Jesus did not put much worth on LIFE ~ just like the "the world thinking" is today & that it is it not easy to go against "world thinking" & pray outside in front of an abortion mill. He gave all of us the most beautiful Prayer Warrior blessing before he left & asked us to never stop praying for the unborn.  For myself, I will continue my 6pm Prayer Vigil every Thursday night until our next 40 Days for Life Campaign begins & I ask all of you to join me please when your schedules allow.
For the conversion of abortionists & closing of abortion mills, we 40 sang the Chaplet of DIvine Mercy. Mike then said the closing prayer. Many positives this evening & of course our PW birds were all around us loudly singing along. One negative ~  car stopped to make a left-hand turn & as they drove off a not-so-nice gesture was given to our prayer group. I said "God bless you" & to myself said, Lord, please heal their hardened hearts.
One of our prayer warriors fainted -- EMS arrived.  The owner of Lovely Nails came out to ask me how that lady was doing & I told him she was going to the  hospital via EMS.  I thanked him for always keeping watch on us PW's.   Update on Arlene, our Prayer Warrior who passed out at the end of the Prayer Vigil this evening. She was taken via EMS to Henry Ford Emergency Room on 19 & Garfield. When her friend Molly & I arrived, Arlene's daughter Donna was there filling out the admission papers for her mom.  Donna took my number & about 9pm this evening she called to let us know that so far all the tests on her mom were ok & they are going to keep Arlene overnight for observation. Thx for all the prayers. She is doing well.
I plan to get my nails done there soon to show my appreciation of his concern for us pro-lifers. Also, I will continue to get my carry outs from the Chinese place & the pizza place. So many of the various store owners DO NOT want this baby killing place here & are very appreciative to us for being out there in peaceful prayer for the closing of this evil place. 

Hope to see many of you one Thursday night soon in peaceful prayer & song. Also, I will  keep you updated on other Prayer Opportunities as they are brought to my attention.  (Jenny)

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