Wednesday, March 19, 2014

SPRING 2014 40 DAYS FOR LIFE: Day 14 - March 18

6:00 p.m. Prayer Vigil
Tonight was not as cold as it has been but it is still good to be dressed in layers!!! I faced WomanCare abortion mill, blest myself with holy water & sprinkled a bit on the ground around me & began all my opening prayers. Right then a woman passed by, we exchanged smiles & she said "God bless you" & I answered her back the same. So great to have the approval of 99% of the folks who walk/jog/drive by. We always have the small group of folks who have a totally blank look on their face or are negative toward us but like I always say, we will NEVER be treated as horridly as Our Lord was on His way to the Cross, so we PW's can handle anything from the pro-killing babies in the womb folks. We just offer it up for the conversion of their misguided souls & whenever they give us the chance to talk to them, we can tell them that JESUS LOVES THEM & He will forgive any!!! sin if we humbly tell Him of our sorrow for that particular sin.

For all involved in abortion in any way, I said/sang the Holy Rosary, reading a brief Sorrowful Mystery before each Hail Mary. As I was starting the 3rd decade, Mike arrived...yeah!!! He took over leading the Rosary & for specifically the conversion of abortionists & the closing of this abortion mill, we said The Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Together we read the Prayer for the Conversion of Abortionists & their Staffs, faced our beautiful American flag, said the Pledge of Allegiance & to close our prayer hour together we sang My Country Tis of Thee. We heard happy honks during our prayer hour & of course our PW birds were chirping away as we walked past them :o) We said our good byes & Mike decided he was going to stay a bit longer in prayer there.  (Jenny)

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