Saturday, March 10, 2012

Day 16 - March 8, 2012

Bitterly cold, windy weather last night ~~~ not at all like the warm, summer-like Wednesday evening prayer vigil, just an evening before ~~~ good ole Michigan weather.  

During our peaceful prayer hour last night, an angry women drove up to us to talk and after a long, calm conversation with us she drove away with pro-life seeds planted in her heart & soul.  This women was mad at the Catholic Church, mad at her priest, her Bishop, and at us "protestors" as she called us.  She brought up many of the usual reasons why "abortion is the right thing to do" & "when will the Catholic Church get in line with the rest of society, etc, etc, etc."  It was so great that she sat there in her car & listened to our replies to each one of her questions & I actually heard her voice start to shake when she said, "I had an abortion & I'm not hurting!!!."  God truly blest this woman & blest us with being able to talk about 40 Days for Life, how we are peaceful prayer warriors praying for --- yes, the woman's "choice" --- but that her "choice" will be giving birth to her baby & getting help from pregnancy centers, not just "disposing" of her precious, little one.  We were able to tell her about healing at a Rachael's Vineyard weekend.  As a Catholic, I could just tell that she was taking this all in because we reaffirmed that the Church will never stop speaking God's truth about the killing of the most innocent ones & that we pro-lifers will never stop being out at abortion mills praying for it to end.  Until our world stops this horrible evil, we will continue to see so many women & men in pain & feeling such anger that they totally don't know where it is coming from but after all these years of legal abortion, we know it is from killing their child.  This darling, hurting woman drove off saying, "I'm glad you are out here praying." How blest is that?!?!  We all then huddled in a circle, Christine, Regina, Carol & myself, as Maribeth said the most beautiful healing prayer for this woman.  I just know that God is wrapping His healing arms around her!!!

As we finished our prayer vigil walking back & forth along the sidewalk, with the wind starting to smash tiny hail pieces into our faces, I knew this was just a little, extra pain for us to offer up for the healing of this woman who had taken time out of her busy schedule to get answers to her questions about all the lies that are out there about us pro-life prayer warriors.  JESUS, PROTECT & SAVE THE UNBORN & HEAL OUR SINFUL WORLD. AMEN!!!    (Jenny P)

Christine, Regina, Carol Jenny (...and, of course, Maribeth behind the lens!)

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