Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Day 20 - March 12, 2012

Another change in weather (are we surprised? it's Michigan!)...a very damp and chilly evening.  It is a blessing that it stays lighter for our prayer hour (so I guess I'll stop grumbling about the hour we lost!).  Jenny, Christine and myself were so happy and blessed to have Denise join us for our prayer hour (or, as Jenny calls her, "Sister Rebecca's Mom) -- thank you for coming down to join us!  After a bit, Denise's friend, who lives in Chicago, came by to join in the prayers....then a little while after that, Denise's friend's mother-in-law saw us and joined in the prayers.  Participating in a 40 Days for Life campaign always brings blessings!  We had a few negatives tonight...with one young boy yelling "I love abortion."  It just boggles my mind as to why someone would say that???  I can see yelling about being pro-choice, but to actually say you love the killing of babies?  I know those words are mostly attributed to immaturity, but hurts our hearts.  (Maribeth)

By the way...I received a note from my friend (Barb) who volunteers at Compassion Pregnancy Center.  She said that several girls have come in with information they have received from some of our prayer warriors at the clinic.  Thank You Jesus for giving us the opportunity to make a difference...and thank you Barb for sharing the encouragement!  (Maribeth)

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